Tuesday 10 May 2011

Left Behind

Left behind
The choco just cooled
I left it standing alone
The window open

It was raining. I was editing some writings and had a cup of fat free cocoa milk in my hand. It was the perfect partner during such tearful weather; its warmth made me really comfortable even with the winds blowing through my hair.

Then, my mom called me to help her with PVZ. Yeah, I know. Why in the world is she playing such games? Well, it’s my silly brother’s fault. He introduced it to her and now she’s even more addicted to it as I was more than a year ago. (Smiles).

With all the fun I was having with PVZ, enjoying one of my favourite games before, I left my cocoa milk sitting in the cold. Sad. Alone. With nothing but the cold air taking away its warmth. I got guilty and now I’m writing this.

I wonder, since I’ve done this to my faithful cup of cocoa, have I done it unknowingly to people around me as well? Have I left people when they needed me? Have I abandoned those who wanted me to be with them at certain times of need? I hope not. I wish I haven’t. But, I guess, I’m not really sure.

I’m saying I hope I haven’t left people before because I know what it feels like for people to turn their back on you. It’s probably more painful that how I experienced it. Some leave you forever, but that’s life. Others leave you because they don’t want to look back. Their future seems to be brighter than their past. And they’re blinded by it. Huh, stupid, stinking fishes! **Pinoy proverb, remember?**

Okay. So, I’m going to take this opportunity to ask for an apology to anyone I’ve left, abandoned, forsaken, or whatsoever. Here goes:

Sorry. I know I can be heartless. I can be ruthless and dead-heartened.
But, I’m sorry now. I didn’t know. I was so busy think of myself and being selfish, that I forgot you. I’m sorry and I hope I can come back. I was blind.

I hope anyone who is in pain reads this, anyone who has felt how hard it is to be left behind without anyone to hold on to, and anyone who just needs to be cared for. Be brave. Be strong. I’ve been there before, but I’m here. God’s here.

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