Friday 15 April 2011

Summer Starting Over

Summer. Haah. The word makes all the feelings of past summers come flooding back like a dam that was suddenly opened. Maybe I don't want to feel those things again. Or maybe I do. I've had some sweet moments then, but the bitter ones seem to overpower the sweet flavors. I wish I could make them all disappear, but they won't. Ha-ha.

I want to make this summer a different one. A memorable one. I want to make new experiences that I will cherish later, not memories that will haunt me. I want a new pair of shoes. I want to eat new things. I want to meet new, better friends. I want to visit new places. I want to redefine myself. I want to start over. To find an exciting, new life. To find new meaning in things, the deeper, more substantial meanings. To see matters through different eyes. To rethink. To realize.

Maybe I'm going overboard with my expression. Haha. But, it's true. I'm hoping this blog helps me find myself, too. I've started numerous blogs before, but I never really got to make them last. I'm hoping this one will, as I rebuild myself by posting my thoughts and reactions towards the things happening to my life, our country, our world. And of course, with it, I want to enjoy this summer to the fullest as well.

So help me, God. :))

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