Wednesday 20 April 2011

Pieces of my heart

     Maybe some things never last. But, come to think of it, the things that don't last are the things that were never really meant to be. Maybe I never had love stories that lasted, but at least they have taught me that God always finds a way to put a piece of love into my life. Sometimes he takes it away, but takes it back... just because he found a piece that will fit much better. And when he can't find a big piece, he finds little pieces of love so that my life is filled with little, but many good things. So that when he has to take something away, I won't lose something so big, and so great a part of my life, but a few little pieces. That might not hurt as much. *Sigh*

     What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. 
     Mark 10:9

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